Top 14 common house plants according to medic

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The medicinal plants take thousands of years helping people. It helps people to treat their illnesses and ailments, improving their health. From Vertical Gardens we want to present some of the most common house plants and easy to get medicinal plants. explaining what their benefits are and their different uses. This […]

ficus benjamina care

Ficus benjamina care: How to do it step by step

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Ficus benjamina is a plant native to South and Southeast Asia. In general, it is a rather delicate plant, especially when opting for the ficus benjamina bonsai, which is less resistant than the ficus benjamina tree. In fact, although they are of the same species, they have differences. We have […]

Diseases in plants

Diseases in plants | What are they, types that exist and how to fight them

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The diseases in plants are a type of response with cells and plant tissues to certain environmental factors or to pathogenic microorganisms. They produce a certain change in the function, in the form or in the structure of the plant. If not treated in time, these diseases could lead to […]

strange vegetables

8 strange vegetables to grow in garden

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Are you looking for new flavors? New tastes? Those who have a garden in their garden would certainly like to grow new vegetables, vegetables from elsewhere or local vegetables still poorly known. Perfect to bring new flavors to your plate but also to participate in the biodiversity of gardens or […]