When you are a student money is usually tight and you need to save money where you can. Here are some of the things that you can do if you are looking for ways to make your student loan go further…
Look out for Student Discounts – Student discounts offer a fantastic saving for many things. From clothes to books, look out for the places that offer a good discount for students if you are in need of something in particular. You can look up shops that offer student discounts here https://www.savethestudent.org/student-discounts
Buy Refurbished Tech – The vast majority of modern students need a laptop, however these can be expensive to buy brand new, and buying second hand from a private seller can be risky. However, cheap laptops from a professional company like this refurbishedlaptops.co.uk are a great way to get a good laptop for much less than what it would cost to buy it brand new.
Go to Car Boot Sales – Car boot sales are a great way to buy things for a much lower price. There are lots of things that you can find at a car boot sale, and they are particularly good if you are looking for items for the home. Get there early so that you get to see everything – any car boot sale regulars will tell you that getting there early is important if you want the best chance of finding the best things!