Copper is a metal that has been used by people since ancient times, perhaps due to its versatility. Its properties make it both flexible and anti-corrosive, making it ideal for a wide range of applications. From copper pipe connectors to jewellery, copper is the unsung hero that is present in our daily lives. Let’s take a closer look at copper and its many uses.

Copper Alloys for Jewellery

An alloy is a mix of metals that give a better range of properties than using one metal alone. In jewellery making, copper is a popular metal that is used in an alloy with gold and silver. Using copper as a base metal improves the appearance of gold and silver jewellery, as well as making it more flexible to shape.

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Heating and Plumbing

Copper pipework is the mainstay of plumbing and heating systems. Due to its flexible nature, copper piping is easy to bend into place where needed, while its resistance to water corrosion makes it the ideal choice.

For trickier bends, copper pipes can be connected using press-and-fit systems, which are clamped into place using crimping tools. More information on copper pipe fittings can be found from a copper pipe specialist such as

Hygiene Uses

According to NIH, copper has a biocidal effect, greatly helping to reduce viral and bacterial loads. This makes it a common material used in the healthcare industry, especially on surfaces that are often touched, such as doorknobs and railings.

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One of the best things about copper is that it is a great conductor of electricity. That, together with its strong yet flexible properties, makes it ideal for use in wiring. Whether it is for providing power to appliances or lighting our homes, copper is a valuable resource upon which we depend.

It is easy to overlook the importance of copper in our daily lives, yet we are surrounded by it at all times. From getting water out of our taps to using electricity, wearing jewellery and more, copper is the wonder material that makes it all possible.

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