There are a variety of different types of walking aids that you can buy, and it can be confusing to decide which one to buy. It’s important to consult your physician or a medical supply store before making any purchases, and be sure to check the weight capacity. These devices can help you to maintain your balance and mobility. However, you should always consult a medical professional before purchasing a walking aid.

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Walkers are hand-held devices that rest your forearm on a flat platform. People with poor hand-grip strength are unlikely to use these, but they can be helpful. These walking aids feature a metal frame with four legs to support the body and provide stability. They have a three-sided frame that you lift up and meet to walk. Find out about the different kinds of Mobility Aids at a site like

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Walking canes or sticks are another common type of walking aid. They help you shift your weight to the other foot and reduce strain on the body. These are often used by people with limited mobility. The main purpose of using these devices is to keep the patient mobile. Fortunately, there are a variety of different walking canes to choose from. These canes are especially useful for older individuals who are limited in their mobility. They can help you shift the weight of your body onto the other foot, which prevents additional strain on other parts of your body.


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