More and more people are betting to have their garden at home or another part of their home, and if you have doubts about what you can plant in them, with these tips, you’ll surely go on the adventure.
Why have a garden at home?
Food awareness has been increasing worldwide by leaps and bounds. Whoever is aware of the benefits of a healthy and natural diet wants to grow their food in their own home, to consume it directly and make sure it does not contain pesticides or herbicides or other agrochemicals harmful to health.
For this, you do not need large tracts of land, or a garden or a large garden. Indoor horticulture assures us that we can grow our own vegetables and aromatic plants even inside our homes, just take care that they have the right amount of water, light, and ventilation.
There are specialists in these tasks that advise beginners about how to get our garden in the living room.
The experience of specialists
One of these specialists is the American Elizabeth Millard, who left her business to enter fully into the world of home gardening. He had to go inside his house to plant his vegetables because of the Minnesota cold. Thus, through experimentation, she became an expert in domestic horticulture. She is the author of the book ” Tu Huerto de interior “, extremely simple and where she provides all the knowledge that took her years to acquire. There you will find everything from the basics of the first steps to tips on how to overcome the most frequent problems.
Elizabeth believed that growing vegetables indoors was a matter reserved only for experts. I thought that growing indoors required sophisticated and expensive systems. I also thought that a two-room apartment with a small kitchen was an insufficient space to dream of having our garden at home.
He soon learned, at the cost of trying and experimenting, that they could obtain, with moderate work, germinated alfalfa and broccoli. Mushrooms and beets could also be obtained. The plants are magical and generous and only ask for a little light, water, and a little care. Vegetables adapt very easily to these conditions.
However, it must be taken into account that in addition to cultivating, one must learn to consume what is cultivated. Whoever learns to sow should also learn to prepare what is harvested for later consumption. Some of the tasks to undertake are to ferment and ferment. However, learning to chop is just as important as combating possible pests, quieting weeds, transplanting and harvesting fruits.
It is important when planting for the first time to think about how to cook this new vegetable if it grows healthy. But attention, having our garden at home should not only be a place of work but also of pleasure and entertainment.
General tricks to have a garden at home
The first thing we must do is a plan as far in advance as possible. This will help us to know what to grow and the times of ripening and harvesting of the fruits. Aromatic herbs provide quick satisfaction as they grow rapidly. Once we have learned the necessary things about irrigation, pests, and planting in series, we will be ready to plant, for example, tomatoes. We must know if we are going to have to leave home for long periods of time if we are going to plant exclusively in the interior or we will move some to the garden since some plants do not tolerate transfers well.
Another tip is to find the right space. Cooking is not always the best place to grow vegetables or aromatic plants. It is basic to manage the natural ambient light and the artificial light available. Proper ventilation is another essential element. If these are not the correct ones, we will hardly manage to have our garden in the living room.
We must not forget the micro-vegetables since they are very popular today and are paid at a good price. The micro beets are ideal to start. Then, you can continue with the micro-carrots or the pea shoots. In a few weeks, the micro-vegetables are ready for extraction.
Another good option is the sunflower, pea or corn shoots. They are simple to grow and grow very fast. The surplus can always be packed for consumption at any time.
To grow germinated seeds are only needed, a jar, gauze to dry and that’s it! The seeds can be dill, peas, wheat, chives and several more. As you can see, it is not difficult to decide to build a garden at home.
As a close of this article, we could say that in general, having a garden at home is much easier than many tend to assume, although to facilitate the task should be bet on some very specific foods